Can you find all 20 Sperryfest Ducks hidden throughout the Sperryville River Walk?
From Saturday April 20 to Friday April 26, search a section of the Sperryville River Walk for racer Sebastian’s duck friends. 20 ducks are hidden throughout the River Walk from Main St to the River District. Downlaod your answer sheet, write down the name of the found duck and bring your sheet to the Sperryfest Kids Corner Scavenger Hunt table for a prize!
Rules: Please do not remove or move the ducks. Each duck is clearly named and displayed where the duck does not need to be moved to see their name. Download your answer sheet below or pick one up at Before and After in Sperryville. Once you find the duck, list their name on your sheet. On the day of Sperryfest (Sat April 27th), bring your sheet to the Kids Corner (Stonewall Abbey). Spin the wheel and win a duck themed prize!
Location: All ducks are hidden along the River Walk from one end of the trail starting behind Before and After coffee shop, all the way to the other end of the trail at River District. (See the trail here:
Scavenger Sheet: Download/print your sheet here. Or, pick up your sheet in person at Before and After coffee shop in Sperryville.
Prizes: To collect your prize, bring your sheet to the Kids Corner at Sperryfest on 4/27. Turn it in & spin the wheel to win your prize!